So yea, we all went there happily for our last day, so excited and all. Oh, and we had lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant. 1 chicken soup noodle was like almost 10 bucks! Nothing special. Not worth my money! T-T But okay la, it's still quite a big bowl.
So yea, after lunch, we came back office and prepared to leave. We thanked both OICs and apologized for our incompetence (okay, too strong of a word but similar to that xD). Fortunately, Mr.VG was quite forgiving in the end and all ended well. So Leslie and MX went to say goodbye to their java side, while Heechai and me went to say goodbye and thanked our 2 supervisors. Wah, I tell you, after we did that, we were like feeling kinda sad about leaving the office. So after that, we quickly grabbed our stuff, and together with Leslie and MX, fled the office. On our way to the office doors we just walked past quickly and said goodbye to those who were bidding us farewell. I stole a last glance at my "angel" before chionging out. I didn't say goodbye to her, she didn't as well. And it might as well be good to just end it this way.
Lol. If we stayed any longer, I'm afraid we might cry. Rofl! So we proceeded to do our clearance at ITS (IT Support Department). And guess who we saw there? The chio bu from HR called Kimberly! W00tz! There to see us and complete our clearance. (Like sending us off to our final journey) Haha. All went well, except I had to photocopy some forms of mine. I didn't know how to use the photocopy machine after 3 months of working in KPMG! LOL! Cuz it looks kinda complicated but it's actually quite easy after I knew how. So yea, MX helped me with one, and I did the rest myself.
Then after we are all done we left the building! Leslie and Heechai were like so happy that they saw Kimberly for the last time lor. Lol! Okay la, I was happy too, but it would be better if it was my "angel". Oh well, so after we left the building, we talked crap to lighten our moods.
For me, I was feeling the exact similar feelings I felt back when I was in Beijing, that very same morning where I left for the airport to go back to Singapore. Yea, it was that kind of feeling. On my way to the MRT, I looked back at the building I worked in, looked up into the sky and saw the skyscrapers towering above me. Even though my 3 months in KPMG was not really that superb, but I still felt attached to it after 3 months of life there. Haha, I was thinking, oh, next monday morning and I wake up. Would I dress up in my formal outfit and go to work subconsciously without knowing it? Rofl! But luckily, that did not happen. xD
Here's something that Ms.Yarny wrote to me that made me leave KPMG more towards the happy side.
[15:07] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: hi there
[15:07] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: what's the joy abt
[15:07] Gilman : presentation over
[15:07] Gilman : im free tomorrow
[15:07] Gilman : >.<
[15:14] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: :)
[15:17] Gilman : going to miss the cute lady here
[15:18] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: well....
[15:18] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: well....
[15:18] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: umm....
[15:18] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: umm...
[15:18] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: the path u r walking now.. u see one beautiful & cute flower on the side..
[15:19] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: but u hv to move on.. but u will hv chance to see more beautiful & cute flowers along the way.. u might even hv the opportunity to pluck one of them...
[15:19] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: some of the beauty of the flowers need no eye to see but ur heart to appreciate...
[15:19] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: so MOVE ON ....
[15:19] Ms. [c=20]Yarny[/c]: (F) (F) (F)
[15:20] Gilman : oh wow!
[15:20] Gilman : thanks ms yarny
So yea, thanks Ms.Yarny! It was really inspirational. :D
As for my "angel", "Sorry, my beautiful & cute flower, it's been nice admiring you. You have made my days more beautiful during this path. However, it's time for me to move on with my journey. Farewell."
Wa.... It's just surreal, so much has happened this year. From end of year 2, to FYPJ in school lab, to Beijing for 2 months (woah), then back to Singapore KPMG for 3 months! I have really learned a lot. So much more than I could have ever learned. For that, I'm grateful. All that has come to an end, now it's my well-deserved break.
Here are some preview from my life in KPMG!
Outside office, at the 31st floor lobby.

Li zi and me was assigned to re-paint.

Painted 1st layer of the room.Painted final layer of the room. Yes, light green.
This little boy and me playing basketball. Look at his
face expression! Haha!At Girls' and Women's Home. Painting banner competition.
That red-circled girl was the "angel" i was talking about.A closer back-view of her.
Smiley faces from "Ghost in the Shell" anime.
(okay, it's for censoring faces)I wish to put up more but meh. There's too many! :P I'll
take a break here, and update my blog soon enough!
Laters. :)
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